Posts tagged ‘budgets’

How can I start cloth diapering without breaking the bank?


While most people understand that over time you can save a lot of money by using cloth instead of disposables, it still doesn’t change the fact that plopping down $400 for the perfect cloth system is daunting for most, and impossible for many.  So how can you get started without breaking the bank?  Here are some ideas…

First–and I know this sounds simplistic–but try not to focus on everything you’ll need from birth to potty training.  Start small.  I meet many people that get discouraged at the cost of diaper sprayers, bigger sizes, etc… but you don’t go out and buy a year’s worth of disposable diapers at once, right???  If you did, you’d be discouraged with disposables, too!  Don’t get too far ahead of yourself.  Hold off on the purchases you won’t need until later, and start with an essential stash.

There are a couple of ways you can start cloth diapering.  Some people are successful with just buying one or two diapers per paycheck and just cycling those in with their disposable diapers, and slowly building up their stash that way.  This is great for those who are very patient–but it can also lead to discouragement for others.  Trying to use both disposables and just a couple cloth diapers can get very frustrating.  For one thing, you still have all the hassles and expense of disposables, and then you don’t have enough of a stash of cloth to really “get going” and develop a routine.  And, since you are only using one or two cloth diapers a day, it can start to feel like the change to cloth isn’t making a difference, either budget-wise, environmentally, or for your baby.

Another option, and one that I encourage you to think about, is to set aside the money you usually spend in one month of disposable diapering, and build your “starter stash” with that money.  Most families are spending around $50/month on disposables (a bit less if you buy store brands and use coupons, a bit more if you don’t).  For $55 you could try our Cloth on the Cheap bundle, which will outfit you with one dozen prefolds, three covers, and one Snappi.  This system will allow you to get through a day of cloth diapering, so you would be washing daily, but at least you can see if cloth is something that will work for you and your family… and if you decide at the end of the month that it’s not for you, you aren’t really “out” anything, since you just spent the same amount as you would have on disposables anyway.  In fact, if you hate it, you can even sell them or give them away.  And if you like the system, you could opt to expand a bit by adding another bundle or rounding out your stash with selected items from the store, or you can just stay “as is,” washing daily.  You can design a similar system by buying from any store, though I do discount the items a bit if you buy them in the package, so you save some money (and we have free shipping, so why would you really want to shop elsewhere??? 🙂

Now I know some of you are thinking, but aren’t prefolds hard???  And the answer is, not really.  Sure, I admit they aren’t quite as convenient as pocket diapers and some of the fancier modern diapers, but they are still very workable.  I think a lot is just in the frame of mind people go into diapering.  The moms I’ve met that are really committed to diapering in the most economical fashion always seem to manage with prefolds, and then the ones that are sort of set against it going in often find reasons that confirm to them that prefolds aren’t for them.  So, maybe prefolds won’t be your choice…but they are the cheapest way to get into cloth.

If you decide that prefolds aren’t an option, there are some ways to diaper cheaply.  First, check your local Craigslist or mom’s groups and see if anyone is willing to loan or sell their diapers.  Often people want to get rid of their older items, and cloth diapering moms are sort of a “community”–a lot of times people will give killer deals just because we like to see other moms succeed at cloth diapering, too!  There are also some online resources.  Diaperswappers is the premiere place for buying and selling cloth diapers.  (Note: I have not had good success on ebay. First, used diapers are technically prohibited from being sold there, and often the new diapers are no cheaper than buying from a store, but without warranties or any protections that you get from buying from someone reputable.)  On Diaperswappers, you can often find diapers in good used condition for around 50-75% of their new cost.

Also, keep in mind that all of Mothering Grace’s Busy Moms’ Bundles are discounted, and remember that we do price matching, free shipping, and we have a very liberal return policy, too!

Most of all, though, I encourage you to take advantage of resources around you before you set course on a diapering system.  While what works for your friend may not work for you, it is nice to get some opinions from people you know.  And I am always so disappointed that more people don’t contact me and really ply me with questions about diapering.  My favorite part of owning a diapering business, the reason why I got into this, is because it is a joy to help people make the diapering choices that will really work for their families, budget, and lifestyle.  Please take advantage of this if you are considering cloth and chat with me!  I feel confident that there are solutions that make sense for everyone, no matter the budget constraints.

January 21, 2010 at 2:04 pm 4 comments


Our Tuesday posts will be devoted to spotlighting things we think are great: products from our store, other businesses, useful ideas, or helpful websites.

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With the start of a new year, and a difficult economy, many households are looking anew at ways to save money.  That’s where comes in.  Run by Amie Cross (who also happens to be the friend behind the Modest Milk nursing items in our store–she’s a busy lady!), is a great resource for moms seeking to save money in their family’s budgets.  The site features list of great deals at local stores, recipes that will feed your family affordably, tips on saving money, and links to great deals to be found on the Web (some of them even free!).

Reminder: comment on this post and you’re eligible to leave an extra comment under our giveaway post, increasing your chances for winning our Thirsties duo diaper!

January 4, 2010 at 10:59 pm 4 comments

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